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Give Yourself “GRACE” | Rooted In You

Song Recommendation: Never Going Back [feat. Brock Human] – United Pursuit

The concept of “grace” keeps coming up in my life, begging me to share it with YOU. Whenever I think of grace, I tend to chuckle. I remember first coming into my relationship with Jesus and talking to an old friend over the phone.
He used to be in faith (now not) and I was a very vulnerable Christian. I lacked confidence in my faith and was so new to scripture that I could not back myself up! Anyways, I remember him saying how “grace” was the stupidest thing ever, that it’s made up. That the word Grace is only used to make Christians feel better about their sin… Writing this now even makes me giggle because what he said was so WRONG. And at the time I was like, “uhhhhhhh umm, I don’t know how to defend my opinion but okay?”

So now…. Hey old friend, hope you’re reading this. Let me tell you about this amazing thing called GRACE and why it is SUCH A BLESSING.

First off, I’m happy you are reading this because Grace may be exactly what God needs you to hear in order for you to move into closer relationship with Him (cool). Also, I recommend reading till the end because it’s REAL and RELEVENT. Okay?

Okay. Now, lets begin. In my belief, within learning the word of God, there are a few major things we must critically understand in order to comprehend Gods character. These are Love, Faith, Patience, and GRACE.

So what is grace?

Grace is the understanding of Gods unfailing and eternal LOVE to us even though we suck and fall short of his love everyday. Yes I said it, YOU suck and so do I, we are not perfect, we are broken and that’s why we need Christ.

I find it extremely interesting that the word Grace is used 8 times in the Old Testament (NIV) and 123 times in the New Testament. That’s almost 16 times more in the New Testament then the old!! (Sorry math brain here). So what gives? Well, In the New Testament God (the creator of the universe) sent His Son, Jesus Christ, down to earth to live as man. (Um how cruel was that? being human sucks!) Jesus then not only became a boss of a human and blessed many people BUT he obediently followed His Father’s word (God) and gave HIS life on the cross for each and every one of our sins. Every single sin we will ever commit for every single one of us (let that sink in). God gave us hope for eternal life through his Son; and he gives us Grace for all of our sins, a new chance to be at one with the creator. (WOAH)

So basically, without Jesus we cannot experience the fullness of Gods grace. The grace that he wants us to have: EVEN when we don’t deserve it. (We suck remember?) This concept reins true not only through countless accounts of Gods Grace through scripture, but also through my own experience. Without Gods grace I would not be where I am at now. Without his Grace, I would still be wallowing in my sin.

“The abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ,”(Romans 5:17)

Through Jesus “we have all received grace upon grace” (John 1:16)


“Shorthand for grace is – “mercy, not merit.” Grace is the opposite of karma, which is all about getting what you deserve. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve, and not getting what you do deserve.”

I love that, mercy not merit.

So here is the harsh but beautiful truth. Ready?

Grace comes when we lay down our ego and recognize that IT’S OKAY!!!!! It’s okay to screw up. It’s okay to fail a test or not make the team. It’s OKAY to get angry, or curse. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. It’s okay to not know where your life is going, or to be in school longer than others, its okay to not have a job, or a career built. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. KNOW that IT IS OKAY, and that YOU ARE HUMAN and we are NOT PERFECT (thanks eve). You are going to screw up over and over again, that’s why we have CHRIST (thanks God). We are not perfect but are only perfected through Him; therefore we should be CONSTANTLY striving to be more like Jesus.

“You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

As long as we recognize that we are going to screw up, and recognize the beauty of our sin, then God will give us Grace. Once we realize the reason that God sent Jesus to the cross was to give each and every one of us another chance. EVERY SINGLE DAY, we have a new chance to become what God intended each of us to be. And once you comprehend that, you no longer have to dwell on what you did yesterday or feel unworthy of Gods Grace (Hello gospel). Because he didn’t design us to dwell or worry! You will never not be worthy of Gods Grace no matter how many “sins” you’ve committed. He is waiting for you with open arms, so please never sell yourself short of the glory that he has prepared for YOU. Never let your ego pull you away from surrendering to Him FULLY. All he really wants from you is to submit to him daily, and recognize that if you messed up today, well shoot, hopefully by GODS WILL you will wake up tomorrow and He will give you a new day to start again and maybe the next day too. He gives you a new day, every single day to TRY AGAIN. God does not want us to suffer or stress, so STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF AND GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. KNOW that everyday is a complete NEW DAY to follow him. Once you repent for your sins and lay that down to God you get to begin all over again. HOW COOL IS THAT.

Now that my friend is: Gods Grace.