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5 Tips on How to Stay in the Present Moment | Rooted In You

Song Recommendation: Here Now (Madness) – Hillsong United

I have this recurring vision in my head… Me walking on a pier. There’s no one there. The walk is straight – a clear path. I can see each step ahead, one foot in front of the other. It’s a gloomy day, allowing me to only see 10 steps in front of me – while fog covers the distance ahead. Along side the pier is the sea, it’s roaring- waves crashing under my feet.

The pier represents the path in front of me the current moment. The fog, the unknown represents the future – the things unseen. While the ocean, the beauty of the ocean represents the past – the water below me. While walking I start looking ahead, squinting my eyes trying to see what’s in front of me. The waves are crashing along side distracting me from my path. I want to walk to the edge; I want to see what’s below me. If I jump in the water I drown – and if I eagerly try to question what’s ahead I lose sight of what’s happening right now – what God is showing me in each step.

I think God wants to show us little things every day but we are constantly distracted by what’s next or why something didn’t work out.

For me this visual speaks volumes. I feel like I’m drawn to the past, curious of the noise of the sea – distracted by the beauty of it. While the future seems SO uncertain and foggy that it forces me to walk one step in front of the other. Being a person that needs to tangibly see things happening “walking by faith and not sight” has been an extremely challenging concept in my journey of faith. I want things to make sense right now and I don’t want to wait. I want the past to collaborate with the future because that’s what makes sense in my mind – the mind that wants to walk by sight and not faith. I feel like I know what would be good for me when God clearly knows what’s best and knows the best timing for everything. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe God can redeem anything – He can collaborate the past and future and make it present, but if its not happening RIGHT NOW then it’s a distraction from the work He is trying to do in your life currently to prepare you for the future. Would your future self be happy with you? Happy with the time you have put in to create a better person for your tomorrow?

I guess what I am trying to say is, we have no control. And worrying about tomorrow or yesterday is only distracting you from the day that you have been gifted with today.

 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:25-34

So how do we stay more present – more alert and alive to the present moment?



I believe we were each gifted with certain people in our lives. We are called to these people weather we like it or not. And through this we grow as we help them grow. Some might be for a season and some for a lifetime but they are concretely placed and it’s our responsibility to help lead them. Sometimes I feel like God can’t bring the next best thing because we can’t handle what’s right in front of us. People are precious and as humans its our responsibility to love and care for each other (we are all orbiting on the same spinning ball). Putting the focus off of yourself and on to the people around you will help you focus on the present moment.



Journaling has changed my life. Even though I forget some days, every time I am able to sit down and reflect on what’s going on in my head it allows for clarity. I’m trying this new thing – journaling in the morning when I get up: affirmations, goals for the day and prayers. When I go to bed, I journal how my day was and what I need to work on for the next day. Even if it is something simple like being kinder to someone or eating healthier. This gives me a deeper perspective on the things I need to fix in my life for the next day and keeps me accountable for my own self. Focusing a day at a time is KEY to living in the present.



There are days when I think social media is pure evil. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s incredible that we are able to collaborate and share in such powerful ways but it’s also a HUGE distraction. How are we supposed to be present when our heads are stuck in our cell phones? Whatever app distracts you the most (for me it’s instagram) try this for a week! Check it 30 minutes after you wake up then delete the app for the rest of the day. By the time nighttime rolls around you’ll be so into your own stuff you will have fought off the urge! I do this quite frequently because I know I don’t have enough will power. By deleting the app it forces you to refocus yourself and reminds you as to why you deleted in the first place – to stay present!



Nature is so good for the soul. It keeps you balanced and gives you fresh perspective. I recommend ATLEAST twice a week taking a walk outside. It lets you focus on your surroundings + oxygen is good for the lungs! Extra bonus: leave your phone in the car 😉 or put it on airplane mode so you aren’t tempted! When you are outside put on your favorite song and sing out loud. Enjoying nature allows you to see there is so much beauty in life!



You got to let go. Life is so short and if we hold on to everything so tightly we are only hurting ourselves. I feel like a lot of the time we hold on to memories or feelings and it pushes us back. Or we project so far into the future that we lose grip on the good of today. Again we have no control, so holding on to little things is only going to hurt you. Lay it down and see the magic that can be done in your heart. If you let it go and it comes back without effort then you know it’s meant to be. If not then there is something better – focus on the positives! I believe there is a certain discipline we should all have in our lives but being free and not taking everything so seriously allows for the playful nature God intended for our lives. So go out and dance, try a new recipe or go buy the shoes! Feeling confident about yourself daily brings our a positivity that you cant help but give PRAISE to where you are in your life RIGHT NOW.


Honestly – enjoy your life. We are only here once and you are only this young once. Be in commune with others and God and strive daily to be the best version of yourself. Let go of the past and future and let your life flow exactly where it is supposed. You’d be surprised where a little bit of trust can get you. The right people always come along and bring little sparks of madness out of you.


If you have any questions of comments please feel free to comment below.


xx Em